REFERENCE Floyd, C., 1992. Software development as reality construction. In Software development and reality construction (pp. 86-100). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Software development lifecycle (SDLC) are the steps recurred in other to carry out and improve the process of developing a software application. PLANNING: This include the calculations of material cost and labor to create a timetable with a goal allowing the application outline and boundaries that are needed to keep the project from expanding beyond scope DEFINE REQUIREMENT: This is used to define what the application is meant to do including resources needed to be identified and built into the project in order to achieve the goal . DESIGN AND PROTOTYPING: This are the designing steps that instructs the application on how it will work. Some of these steps include Programming, Security, Communications, Architecture and Platforms. After the design has been defined, a prototype of an early version of the software can be created to demonstrate a basic idea of how the application will work. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT: This is where a program ...