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  REFERENCE Floyd, C., 1992. Software development as reality construction. In  Software development and reality construction  (pp. 86-100). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


Database Design 

    A database is an organized collection of structure information, or data that are electronically stored in the computer system which is controlled by the DBMS (database management system). Database management system are software systems used to store, retrieve, and run queries on data.
All database system stores data using file, records and fields (Graham, Brian, and David. (2010)  information and communication technology. 2nd ed. London. Hodder education):
  • FIELD: A file is a single item of data, such as forename or date of birth which has a field name that is used to identify it within a database.
  • RECORDS: A record is a collection of fields, for example all the information about one person or item
  • FILE: A file is an organised  collection records, usually where all the records are organised so that they can be stored together.
In addition, according to Graham, Brian, and David.  information and communication technology. 2nd ed. London. page 268, database consist of two main types: Flat-file database and Relational database.
A flat-file database sorts its data in a table which is organised in columns and rows. Each column in the table contains a field, which has been given a field name, and each cell in the column has the same.
A relational database are designs so that the same data is not duplicated in a table. Each table within a relational database will have a field key.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of database designs?  database designs are known to make the storage of data less complex and easy to access. Data protection is very essential, only authorized user should be able to access various type of data, database design ensures the safety of data from unauthorized user under any circumstance, they also ensure the backup and recovery of data (Admin, 2022).
The disadvantages of database design include the financial cost required to support hardware and equipment to operate the database program, they also require frequent hardware update which can be very costly to acquire and need new educational guide to handle functionality properly (Admin, 2022).


Admin (2022) What are the advantages and disadvantages of database: Assignment help, MyAssignmentHelpNet. Available at: (Accessed: October 22, 2022).

GRAHAM, B., BRIAN, S., and DAVID, W. (2010) igcse information and communication technology. 2nd ed. London. Hodder education


  1. "field and File" which are you referring to?. Clear that. (GRAHAM, B., BRIAN, S., and DAVID, W. (2010) should be in Name format and not capital letters all through and it should be (Graham, Brain, and David 2010)
    what is igcse? again your reference font, entire work justification.


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