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  REFERENCE Floyd, C., 1992. Software development as reality construction. In  Software development and reality construction  (pp. 86-100). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Software and Hardware skills


Software and Hardware's are the basic core aspect of the computer, they cannot be avoided in any computer lessons, in facts you must understand what they mean before learning any other things in computer studies.


        For the educational purpose of my blog, Software is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do, while Hardware's are the physical components of the computer system. You can now see the main reason when i said u cannot do without these two things because they make up the computer system.  

I have used different types of software throughout my years of study, the software includes, Microsoft word,    Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and Paint. I started using software in 2012 in 2 grade and the first software I ever used was Microsoft word in my computer studies class. back in 2nd grade, I used Microsoft word to write an electronic composition about my self which was later printed out for assessment


In DMU the software's that would most likely be used for my course are

MICROSOFT WORD: This would be used to create documentations and report of projects that would be accessed by tutors at the end of the year. This software is going to help me improve in word typing and also documentations .

PYTHON: This is a coding software , and this would be used for creating codes during coding lessons. Python is a software that would assist me in mastering coding in order to be a successful programmer.

(Nicolas BohorquezNicolas Bohorquez (@Nickmancol) is a Data Architect at Merqueo.  He has a Master’s Degree in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems and a Major in Software Engineering. Previously, 2021)

BLOGGER: This will be used for creating  blogs for my major project which is going to be submitted at the end of the term.  

(Alain-Christian, 2019)

MICROSOFT POWER POINT: This software will be used to create presentations for assessment or projects for different courses. this can help me with how I organise my project for a presentation when needed.

(Mardos, 2021)


38 years of microsoft word design history - 79 images (no date) Version Museum. Available at: (Accessed: November 2, 2022).

Alain-Christian (2019) The Complete Guide to all blogger Page Types (2019), MY STADY. MY STADY. Available at: (Accessed: November 2, 2022).

Nicolas BohorquezNicolas Bohorquez (@Nickmancol) is a Data Architect at Merqueo.  He has a Master’s Degree in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems and a Major in Software Engineering. Previously (2021) Top 10 coding mistakes in python & how to avoid them, ActiveState. Available at: (Accessed: November 2, 2022).


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