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  REFERENCE Floyd, C., 1992. Software development as reality construction. In  Software development and reality construction  (pp. 86-100). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


  This post would analyse a questionnaire on software. this research is to determine whether the public has knowledge about software applications and also helps determine the scope of the amount of people how uses software application to carry out daily tasks.

Forms response chart. Question title: GENDER?. Number of responses: 11 responses.

This chart consist of the scale of gender that took apart in the questionnaire research i did, as u can see there is a large amount of male which has percentage of 81.8%, followed by the female which as the same amount of percentage as the neutral gender, they both have a percentage of 9.1%.

Forms response chart. Question title: AGE?. Number of responses: 10 responses.

This chart is used to determine the age range of the participant who took the questionnaire. furthermore the chart shows that there were more adult than teenagers who took the questionnaire. i find this as a big advantage because the results would consist of more accurate data.

 Forms response chart. Question title: LEVEL OF EDUCATION?. Number of responses: 11 responses.

Level of education is an important factor in this research because the research is directed to schools and university and how software is involved in their education. Moving on, the chart shows that the majority of participant are in university / college leading with the percentage of 45.5%, followed by high secondary school with the percentage of 36.2%, and the least of the participants are postgraduate who are taking their master courses in university.

Forms response chart. Question title: DO / DID YOU HAVE ACCESS TO SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS IN CURRENT/ PRIVIOUS EDUCATION?. Number of responses: 11 responses.

According to this data, 90.9% of participants have access to software in their last and current education. this result is to determine the knowledge of technology that the participants have.

Forms response chart. Question title: IS/WAS THE USE OF SOFTWARE ADVANTAGEOUS IN YOU FIELD OF STUDY?. Number of responses: 11 responses.

This chart displays the the scale people who found the use of software very positive in their education, the percentage of people who found the use of software advantageous in their field of study is 81.8% , this percentage is a positive result because technology can serve as an obstacle in education.

Forms response chart. Question title: WHICH OF THIS SOFTWARE APPLICATIONS ARE U FAMILIAR WITH?. Number of responses: 11 responses.

There are different types of software application that can be used in the educational field. these software help and assist student in different criteria of their study. The chart shows that three software's are mostly used by the participants.The first software is Microsoft word which is a word processing software, it has 90.9% of users, second software is Microsoft PowerPoint which is a presentation software , it also has 90.9% of user. lastly YouTube is an entertaining software, which can be used to watch educational  videos  this has a percentage of 90.9%. Moving on to other software which are used by the participants are google blogger and Microsoft excel which has a percentage of 81.8%.

Forms response chart. Question title: HOW OFTEN DO YOU USE THEM?. Number of responses: 11 responses.

Lastly this chart  shows the consistency of the use of the software that were mentioned above . 54.5% of the participants use the software's to carry out activities everyday, 18.2% use them once a week and several times a month. while 9.1% do not use them at all.


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