(Solution,) Visual studio is an IDE coding software that is based on (Java/C#/Python/Visual basics) to create a website, application, webapps and web services. This image is an image taken from visual studio, it consist of the visual basic codes that are used to run Microsoft word. Visual basic is a programming language that provides a graphic user interface which allows the programmer to modify codes.(Contributor, 2019) Reference Contributor, T.T. (2019) What is visual basic? definition from whatis.com. , WhatIs.com . TechTarget. Available at: https://www.techtarget.com/whatis/definition/Visual-Basic-VB#:~:text=Visual%20Basic%20(VB)%20is%20an,defining%20their%20behavior%20and%20appearance. (Accessed: December 8, 2022). Solutions, J.C.T.O.D.A.Y.- M. (no date) 1000 logos , 1000 LOGOS . Available at: http://1000logos.co.uk/ (Accessed: December 8, 2022).