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Showing posts from October, 2022


  REFERENCE Floyd, C., 1992. Software development as reality construction. In  Software development and reality construction  (pp. 86-100). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.


COMPUTER PROGRAMMING Computer programming is the process of writing code to facilitate specific actions in a computer, application or software program, and instructs them on how to perform ( Joe Cote  2022 ). Due to computer programming, computers are able to carry out tasks more effectively that human in different scenarios like, constructions of cars and projects managements, which is part of the reasons the future is evolving rapidly. (Bing, 2022) They are different types of  computers programming languages, which are: High level languages, which is divided into two categories, complied language and interpreted language. Mid-level languages, which has the features of both the high-level language and low-level language. Examples of mid-level language are c programming language and assembly language. Lastly low-level language, these are programming languages which are processor dependent, examples of low-level languages are assembly language and c programming, these two programming la

Software and Hardware skills

SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE SKILLS Software and Hardware's are the basic core aspect of the computer, they cannot be avoided in any computer lessons, in facts you must understand what they mean before learning any other things in computer studies. (          For the educational purpose of my blog, Software is a set of in structions that tell a computer what to do, while Hardware's are the physical components of the computer system. You can now see the main reason when i said u cannot do without these two things because they make up the computer system.   I have used different types of software throughout my years of study, the software includes, Microsoft word,     Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Excel and Paint. I started using software in 2012 in 2 grade and the first software I ever used was Microsoft word in my computer studies class. back in 2nd grade, I used Microsoft word to write an ele


HELLO! WELCOME TO MY BUBBLE       My name is Samuel Adepoju, I am an undergraduate student at De Montfort University International College, studying BSc Computer Science. I am a citizen of Nigeria, which states the reason why I am in an international college, that not just it, I am 17 years old, yeah, I know I am young I get that a lot but trust me I look 20, a bonus point. (Bing,2022) I have always wanted to be a footballer since I was a kid and that dream still pending to come to life. i love getting involved in any type of sport, even I high school I was a top tier student at sports, name it, football, basketball, volleyball, athletics I was topping at all of the sporty activity. To me personally I don't think it would be fair if i said my hobby is football because it is what I dream to be my occupation, definitely I would love playing football so for my hobby I would choose video games, it is the second on my list of favorite things and I cherish it so much because it has to d


Database Design       A database is an organized collection of structure information, or data that are electronically stored in the computer system which is controlled by the DBMS (database management system). Database management system   are software systems used to store, retrieve, and run queries on data. All database system stores data using file, records and fields (Graham, Brian, and David. (2010)  information and communication technology. 2nd ed. London. Hodder education): FIELD: A file is a single item of data, such as forename or date of birth which has a field name that is used to identify it within a database. RECORDS: A record is a collection of fields, for example all the information about one person or item FILE: A file is an organised  collection records, usually where all the records are organised so that they can be stored together. In addition, according to  Graham, Brian, and David.   information and communication technology. 2nd ed. London. page 268,  database cons


(british council, 2022) I chose De Montfort university because it is located in Leicester, of my favourite city in the United Kingdom, and after going through their available facility I made my final decision that I would be attending the school.  (, 2022)  What sparked my interest was the modules that are built of international years before moving on to the main University, this is a very good course to help international student have a little knowledge about how things are done in the British country. Speaking of interest, the other thing that got my attention was the fact that the University has help   international student from more than 130 countries to find their new homes.    I am a student of DMUIC (De  Montfort  University International College) and will be studying BSc Computer science for 4 years, yes! I know it is a complicated course, but it is also time to sit up because all the modules are mandatory, son there would not be an optional class for me whi